
Create a MVP Quest Chain (mini course with graduation levels) using an existing DRC article. The Quest Chain will initially serve the DRC & Metagame communities. Later, it will be rolled out as a public good building block/template for other communities to use.

Meeting Notes

Do QC’s function as a multi-sig?

Is it possible to use QCs to automate bounties?

All IPFS, All On-Chain

Is it proprietary? Selling it as a service?

Are the tokens transferable?

For LexDAO, Kyler is building the onboarding experience - onboarding law students (he himself is a student) to become legal engineers in the ‘clinic’.

Writes Around the Blockchain Newsletter

This project’s audience will need at least a surface level of knowledge for overviews. Have enough knowledge to 1) create 2) have matic

DRC doesn’t have community infrastructure in place but can start with Quest Chains first and then create community (or create it in parallel)

DRC has Team of 5 members. But 25 fellows.

Kyler thinks we need a reingeneering of the legal system