Designer in this case is referring mainly to those designing UX/UI. So, this is a path for those who want to help make the the interfaces & experience of MetaOS nicer! 🙂
It is recommended you take these quest in exactly this sequence.
<aside> 🐙 Any questions or thoughts? Reach out in **📱-designers-guild** and tag @Davor, the Designers Guild champion
Step into the **📱-designers-guild** and introduce yourself. If you already introduced yourself on the forums - which you should have - feel free to paste the link to your introduction & not spend too much time introducing yourself again.
Besides knowing who you are, we’d like to know:
Don’t worry if you’re new to design & can’t answer all of these questions! You are still very much welcome to stay around, learn & contribute how you can.
It is of crucial importance we are good at asking, giving & receiving feedback, so please!
A designer’s work is meaningless if there aren’t builders to bring the designs into reality. There are quite a few engaged and amazingly capable builders in MetaGame. They meet and sync once a week, in a Discord voice channel. Your job is to be there, too.