Designer in this case is referring mainly to those designing UX/UI. So, this is a path for those who want to help make the the interfaces & experience of MetaOS nicer! 🙂

It is recommended you take these quest in exactly this sequence.

<aside> 🐙 Any questions or thoughts? Reach out in **📱-designers-guild** and tag @Davor, the Designers Guild champion


🚶 Step into Designers Guild

Step into the **📱-designers-guild** and introduce yourself. If you already introduced yourself on the forums - which you should have - feel free to paste the link to your introduction & not spend too much time introducing yourself again.

Besides knowing who you are, we’d like to know:

Don’t worry if you’re new to design & can’t answer all of these questions! You are still very much welcome to stay around, learn & contribute how you can.

📜 Read the most important thing!

It is of crucial importance we are good at asking, giving & receiving feedback, so please!

  1. Read this article on how to ask for, and/or give, design feedback
  2. Go to this topic in MetaGame Forum, and leave your comment on what you just read. Some ideas for what to write about:
    1. What are your biggest takeaways from the article?
    2. Is there anything in the text you disagree with?
    3. Anything you have already been practicing yourself, and can vouch it is working in real life situations?

🤝 Attend a Builders Align

A designer’s work is meaningless if there aren’t builders to bring the designs into reality. There are quite a few engaged and amazingly capable builders in MetaGame. They meet and sync once a week, in a Discord voice channel. Your job is to be there, too.