Building the future we want to live in

Helping newcomers learn why Ethereum matters & find their place in the DAO space

A hub for those interested in decentralized organizations & applications

Your portal into the future

Your portal into the future of work

Your portal into the world of DAOs

A beacon of hope

Taming the wild web

The intersection of technology, philosophy & art; redefining the way we play life.

Not your usual metaverse.

A game of life

Finding the optimal ways to play life

Finding a way to tap into the collective power

A place to learn about DAOs, join the revolution & get support

Finding the most optimal way to play life

Charting the uncharted territory

Turning the Wild Web into a Web of Opportunity

MetaGame is here to help people coordinate around solving problems & creating value

Help people find their way & thrive on the new web
