MetaGame: For communications, we mainly use discord but we also have forums. For information, we mainly use Notion but we also have the wiki. We have a newsletter but we need a blog. We have a sourcecred leaderboard, lists of players, patrons & guilds. A questing system, a Seed market & a pool, a podcast, a youtube channel, a calendar & the list goes on...
Pain point: MetaGame is all over the place. None of the tools we use is sufficient on its own & most of them are hosted by 3rd party services on different places.
Solution: A place to unite all the pieces of MetaGame into a single page from which we can start building out the rest of the platform for the society of the future.
MetaOS is an operating system for the society of the future - or at least our instance of metagame.
Like other operating systems, it has a menu with shortcuts to all the applications you might need, eventually allowing you to customize it to your needs & install your own dapps.
Unlike other operating systems, its directly connected to the society you're a part of. So other than the applications you personally need, it will host all the social components, news & tools for coordinating with fellow "citizens".
Instead, there's a dashboard. It gives you a status update on your hodlings, the news, latest media, upcoming events & whatever else you set it to give you by rearranging & embedding different windows & dapps.
MetaOS is mainly a dashboard & a persistent modular mega menu.
We want the MetaOS to be a living, breathing environment. One way of doing that is by adding floating calls via Jitsi. Imagine opening a page & seeing a bunch of floating heads aggregated in one corner. You click it & it opens up a window into a video call - cozy!
In the beginning, we could have all calls appear over every page. Later, we could have calls be page-specific & following you around.
Another way of making it a living environment is to allow comments & edit suggestions everywhere. Why keep such things inside a google doc if we could make whole websites living & ever-changing documents - an organism?
Problem with reddit is that information is ephemeral. Things get posted, things get discussed & then they disappear, getting replaced by newer things.
Problem with wikis is that nobody defaults to going there. When you take out your phone or open your laptop, you don't go "oh, I should go to wiki XYZ", you go to your twitter feed or a reddit & read the latest.
Best of both worlds would be a place where things get posted, things get discussed & improved upon and then logged into the wiki - pinned into existing posts, turned into their own & connected to others or whatever.