**Playbooks** are short lessons written by those who have already found their way through the muck,
here to help you find your way.
After being reviewed, playbooks will be pushed to github.

A **tutorial** is a step-by-step walk-through for someone with no experience.
A **guide** gives basic information, not detailed instruction. Think "pointers". Particularly for computers.
A how-to is more of a list of detailed steps for particular operations.

If you started on something, activate it in the Playbook Gallery columm of the **[START HERE - Player Association Jam](<https://meta-game.notion.site/START-HERE-Player-Association-Jam-fad6ff79ab1641a897e91d12e852af07>).** 
Once the playbook is completed through the work-flow, move it to **Queued for Github**. 
The playbook will be added for a merge for the Github wiki to be viewed as a playbook like this one: 

Active Playbook Gallery

If you don't have permissions to post, contact @Bacon , @chair 28980, @Gnome Ski, @Tommy , or @Misanth on our Discord

Playbooks Sheet


How to write a playbook for MetaGame?

How to Meta

Try taking an idea from these examples

X steps for getting into Ethereum as a web2 developer

X steps to joining the space as a writer

X steps of getting into DAOs as a non-technical person

X steps for joining the DAO space as a community person

X steps for becoming a DAO revolutionary

X steps of getting involved in Ethereum/DaoSpace as an artist