Positive Psychology: This strand of psychology is all about figuring out what makes life worth-while. What increases personal well-being and happiness, but also the well-being of society. By the way, if you ever heard about a happiness formula, it’s bullshit. A high school math teacher went through the formula and the math doesn’t add up.

Existential Psychology: What is death and are you really free? I’m going to leave you ponder these questions…

Soren Kierkegaard and The Psychology of Anxiety

Psychoanalysis: There is you, and then there is the unconscious you. The thoughts and feelings you buried deep down in your unconscious mind. Surfacing them, teaches you about you.

Deep Psychology


Follow up links and info shared during Myths discussion

Carl Jung and The Value of Anxiety Disorders

Astrology and birth Charts:


The Psychology of Self-Transformation
