2 Week Growth Strategy for Raising Awareness
Survey Question Brainstorm list
We passed the middle of season 4, and it's absolutely time to define the Shilling strategy. This strategy is based on the tasks defined in the 2-weeks growth strategy for raising awareness. Since there are some very valid points in this 2-week strategy, the idea is to extend the tasks into the Season's 4 strategies.
The topics that we will cover on our Twitter during this Season will vary a little from the topics posted until now. We will be more open to tweeting/re-tweeting about other projects/DAOs as well. Since we understood, with past posting, that shitposting, and memes work very well on Twitter (people really seem to like them), they will be moderately included as well.
The topics we plan to cover during this Season, not necessarily distributed by the days of the week, are the following: