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You're among 0.00000005% of world population tumbling down this seemingly infinite rabbit hole 😶 Being so early means there's still time to for you to become one of the Founders of MetaGame 😱

Want to join? You need to go through here if you actually want to join though:

Already a member? Make sure to read this: Somewhere in there, you should find more detail on possible paths.

For more info Don't forget to check pinned messages.


Commands !?portals - brings up all the important links !?token - brings up all the important Seed info

Welcome to MetaGame Alpha 🐙

Proposed Content

You are here, congratulations! 👏

You're among 0.00000005% of world population tumbling down this seemingly infinite rabbit hole 🐰🕳️🐰 Being so early means there's still time to for you to become one of the Founders of MetaGame 😱

🕳️**Wanna dig deeper?**🕳️ ****🙌 Absorb our Holy Scriptures - 💌 Fly among the pigeons - 📽️ Binge through our Propaganda -

⚔️**Still wanna participate?**⚔️ 🛣️ Pick your path 🐙 Signal your curiosity ☎️ Attend the Cohort Onboarding call

🛡️**Already a Patron?**🛡️ 🤩 Greatly appreciated, thanks for supporting us! 🤖 Type !join in the #townhall-dump and follow the instructions in your DMs ✅ Boom, that's it, you're in! Enjoy the ride 😎

📝Remember📝 🎯 Don't forget to check pinned messages. ⁉ Feel free to ask away in the #!?ask-anything channel 🎒 If you are unable to attend Cohort Onboarding because of a schedule conflict, please reach out to an Innkeeper

🤖Bot Commands🤖 ****!?portals - brings up all the important links !?token - brings up all the important Seed info !join - checks your wallet for $pSEED's & assigns the Patron role

Welcome to MetaGame Alpha 🐙